Investment Trust means to channel financing resources to invest various projects and activities that meet certain eligibility criteria. HAOTRUST offers a broad range of solutions to meet customers' investment needs.We manage the Trust under investment strategies set out in the Trust Deed to invest in various asset classes such as Real Estate, Infrastructure, Securities – Stock/Bond either in local or international market, and Private Equity.

Infrastructure Investment Trust enables direct investment from possible individual or corporate investors in infrastructure that primarily provide essential services to communities and generate profit as return. These can include, but not limited to:

  • Transportation: Toll Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Ports, Airports, and Railways.
  • Energy & Utilities: Renewal energy, Water treatment & distribution, and Waste management.
  • Social: Hospitals, Schools, and Subsidies housing.

Come and visit HAOTRUST to meet our professional and expert trustees with hands-on experience in each field of investment including feasibility study, marketing, sales, and management, etc.


  • Diversification investment
  • Stable & Predictable returns
  • Reliable Yield & Capital Growth
  • Dividend
  • Inflation Protection
Our services

  • Generate reports & disclosure documents
  • Sourcing Projects & Investment scheme
  • Underwriting services
  • Assets/projects valuation