Investment Trust means to channel financing resources to invest various projects and activities that meet certain eligibility criteria. HAOTRUST offers a broad range of solutions to meet customers' investment needs.We manage the Trust under investment strategies set out in the Trust Deed to invest in various asset classes such as Real Estate, Infrastructure, Securities – Stock/Bond either in local or international market, and Private Equity.

Cash Investment Trust is a managed investment scheme that aims to provide competitive returns relative to an investment in low-risk high liquidity cash or cash equivalents such as terms deposit with Bank, Stocks or Bonds. These are best suited to risk-averse investors who seek an investment that provides stable income, preservation of capital and liquidity. 

Keen your interest in HAOTRUST to set an appointment with our professional & expert trustees who highly experience in financial industry (locally & internationally) including trading, institutional banking, equities, derivatives, and fixed income business, to figure out the greatest investment opportunity.


  • Low-risk yield
  • High liquidity cash investment
  • Transparent & regulated investment
Our services

  • Investment Registration
  • Market subscription, placement & evaluation
  • Investment proceeds management including tax obligation